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This Week in Michigan Tech Esports

This Week in Michigan Tech Esports

Monday, February 14
• Rocket League A vs. Mizzou, 7 p.m.

Tuesday, February 15
• League of Legends vs. UMN Twin Cities, 7 p.m.
• CSGO ESEA vs. Smile, 9 p.m.

Wednesday, February 16
• Rocket League B vs. Hofstra, 7 p.m.
• Rocket League B vs. Florida State, 7:45 p.m.
• Rocket League A vs. Siena Heights, 7 p.m.
• Rocket League A vs. George Fox, 7:45 p.m.

Thursday, February 17
• Super Smash Bros vs. Albion, 7 p.m.
• Overwatch vs. University of Ottawa, 7 p.m.
• Super Smash Bros vs. Oakland 8 p.m. (rescheduled)
• CSGO ESEA vs. Oveja Negra, 9 p.m.

Friday, February 18
• CSGO (4) vs. Missouri U of S&T, 7 p.m.

Sunday, February 20
• Rocket league B vs. TBD, 7 p.m.

All in-person events are in bold

Times are subject to change, check Twitter @MTUEsports for updates and for stream links


Huskies win! The ESEA team is 1 and 3 and appears to have found its footing. Tuesday's loss versus Vexo White saw an early lead slip away into overtime. Seniors Brendon "DeadO" Cook and Sean "Cleanslate" Parker locked down A site on Inferno with 25 kills and 23 kills, respectively.

Thursday saw the squad's first victory this season on Nuke. Sean showed an outstanding performance with 31 kills in total - 20 being on the difficult T side during some nail-biting clutches. Substitute Andrew "Solace" Simon's practice with the team is paying off, seeing him score a respectable 22 kills.

CSGO ESEA has its work cut out this week with a new map tomorrow night: Overpass.

MTU Varsity (4) plays Missouri University of Science and Technology (unranked) Friday.

League of Legends

Tuesday saw a clean 2-0 victory for Tech over University of Illinois Chicago's club in a typical 36 minutes round 1 and a 41-minute and 35-second slugfest round 2. Round 1 saw senior Aidan "Oscar Wilde" VanDrie score seven kills as Jinx and senior Cael "HockeyRat00" Hansen dish out a total of 28,508 damage to champions as Karthus. Captain David "Poro in a Box" Scott led the Huskies to a round 2 victory with 18 assists as Lulu. Star player Kevin "Sixty Seven" Doerr was not silent, scoring a total of 42,720 damage to champions as Gwen.

The now 3 and 0 Huskies play the also undefeated (3-0) University of Minnesota Twin Cities JV squad on Tuesday.


For its season-opener, Huskies Overwatch had a grueling 3-2 loss to Purdue Black in the NECC tournament. On Busan, sophomore Cameron "Rebler" McCarthy dealt 11,416 total healing and had 67 percent weapons accuracy as Ana. On Dorado, captain Claire "sheep" Holmes-Serrano dished out 14,920 hero damage as Echo, and senior Caleb "blackflip" Rogers had a total of 28 kills as Winston.

The Activision-Blizzard Collegiate (ABC) schedule is planned for release this week.

Rocket League

Rocket League has two teams representing the Huskies, A and B.

The A team is off to a great start with Monday's win over Ohio State in NACE. The Huskies scored 11 total points over 4 rounds for a 3-1 finish. Isaac "stew" Stilwell scored four goals round 3 with a series total of 6 goals.

Wednesday's doubleheader in UGC saw a 3-0 shutout loss to Northwood. Squad captain Tyler "Tater" Tappin did his best to hold the line with three saves in round 1 and a match total of eight saves. The Huskies immediately bounced back for a 3-0 victory over BSGU with 10 goals scored across the three rounds. The team made 1/3 of all series' shots taken on goal in the first round.

The B team's doubleheader Wednesday in UGC saw a 3-0 loss to King University with five total goals and a 3-0 loss to Stockton with six total goals. The team made a total of 13 saves in the first round against Stockton shots on goal.

Sunday, the Huskies won with a 3-1 round score over K-State Black in AVGL. The series saw a total of 12 goals scored. Junior Devin "Fractal" Farmer scored three goals in round one, scoring six total in the whole series.

Super Smash Bros: Ultimate

Oakland's match was rescheduled for this week at 8 p.m. for a doubleheader of Smash on Thursday.