This Week in Michigan Tech Esports

This Week in Michigan Tech Esports

Monday, February 7
• Rocket League A v Ohio State, 7-8 p.m.

Tuesday, February 8
• League of Legends v University of Illinois at Chicago, 7-10 p.m.
• CSGO ESEA v Vexo White, 8-10 p.m.

Thursday, February 10
• Super Smash Bros v Oakland University, 7 p.m.
• CSGO ESEA v The Legacy Remains, 10-12 p.m.

All times Eastern in-person events in bold
Check Twitter @MTUesports for stream links

Apex Legends

Tech has a new team! Freshman Griffin 'Starspringer' Wick started assembling players to compete in EA's battle royal title. Tryout calls have gone out on campus, and several Huskies rose to the occasion. Final decisions should happen this week, on both the starting roster and which competitions this squad will enter in - stay tuned!

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

With both the addition of a new coach and the departure of star player Logan "Voltage" Long, Huskies Counter-Strike is going through some growing pains. They dropped all three matches last week.

In NACE, Week 1 saw a comfortable victory over University of Michigan, and in map 1 a repeat performance over Purdue seemed likely. Hunter 'retnuh' Holm dropped 30 frags on Inferno leading to a convincing 16-8 final score. Map two on Ancient saw a valiant effort - Tech was able to hang on until the end to nearly bring back a significant CT side deficit to 13. Vertigo was map 3. Purdue was able to comfortably take control of ramp on both sides for a 16-8 victory. Thus, closing out the series 2-1. Freshman Tyler 'lordopies' Short had a stand-out performance, especially on Ancient - great work from the rookie. Senior Calvin "Chowdz" Johnson featured well on stream with some flashy clutch tec-9 plays. CSGO is 1-1 in NACE and 0-2 in ESEA.

With this week MTU having off due to a conference bye, this gives time to work on the playbook and come prepared for Missouri University of Science and Technology on February 18th.

League of Legends

The season opener saw a 2-0 series victory for Tech over Miami University and this week was no different. Eastern Michigan succumbed in 31 minutes and 25 minutes respectively. In game one, junior Kevin 'Sixty Seven' Doer scored 18 kills with a kill participation of 77.7% and 31,890 total damage to champions and team captain David 'Poro in a Box' Scott had a vision score of 78 as Morgana. Game two saw Brandon 'Oblivionize' with a kill participation of 58.3% as Syndra.

Huskies League of Legends is currently 2-0 in NACE seeing the University of Illinois at Chicago on Tuesday


The season starts this week! Due to the scheduling peculiarities of NECC, it is known Tech plays Wednesday. But, not against whom or when.

Activision-Blizzard's Collegiate league starts next weekend and the schedule is still pending.

Rocket League

The Huskies are off to a great start in rocket-powered carball with convincing 3-0 victories over Indiana Tech and Dakota State. Last week's match saw a total of 24 points across 3 rounds (9, 7, and 8 respectively). Isaac 'stew' Stilwell scored 5 of those 8 goals round 3 with a total of 11 points scored all series.

Last weekend saw MTU fall to the University of Florida in the Grand Final of the CRL Spring 2022 East Qualifier #2 pool 4. This pool had 41 teams all battling for a sport in CRL regular league play. This showed that despite the roster change adding new face Max 'Nineja' Reisterer, the team is still in form for a strong season in these hyper-competitive leagues.

Tonight's match against Ohio State will put that theory to the test.

Super Smash Bros: Ultimate

Last week saw Cameron 'Psyke' Duffy's first game against Aquinas where he took two of the Saint's stocks as King Dedede. Noah 'Noko' Kolczynskitook 7 stocks as Palutena, leading the Huskies to 2 stocks remaining out of 12 for the win. The Smash team is currently 2-0 in Nace with wins over Aquinas and Cleary University.

Tech plays Oakland University Thursday at 7 p.m.